Saturday, August 14, 2021
Thursday, August 12, 2021
E volta nostra poppa nel mattino
De' remi facemmo ali al folle volo
Inferno XXVI
May 31, 2021 - Via Marina Militare
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
From Adrienne Von Speyr's "Man Before God"
a Tree in a flower pot...
The hardest thing required of the believer is to place himself
at the disposal of something incomprehensible,
something that begins to make sense
only through love...
Until now he was collecting, gathering, counting and disposing...
Now he is meant to open himself in such a way that
the hands he holds out to collect
have to remain apart...
He (the believer) is embraced by God
in such a way that he is no longer capable of embracing anything.
He must keep himself as vessel,
and he cannot guarantee what this vessel will contain.
He no longer knows it
because he must allow
what he had once
well protected and thought through
many times over
simply to flow into the infinite
according to a rhythm that
God alone
determines ...
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Ocean Vuong: "Toy Boat"
For Tamir Rice
yellow plastic
black sea
eye-shaped shard
on a darkened map
no shores now
to arrive --- or
no wind but
this waiting which
moves you
as if the seconds
could be entered
& never left
toy boat --- oarless
each wave
a green lamp
toy boat
toy leaf dropped
from a toy tree
as if the sp-
thinning above you
are not
already pierced
by their own names