Saturday, December 19, 2020

Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904) : "The Cherry Orchard"


TROFIMOV ... Mankind is advancing toward the highest truth, the highest happiness attainable on earth, and I am in the front ranks!

LOPAKHIN :    Will you get there?

TROFIMOV :    I'll get there. [ Pause ] I'll either get there or I'll show others the way to get there.

Anton Chekhov, The Major Plays

Translated by Ann Dunnigan

Signet Classic, First Printing May 1964

Signet & Mentor Books 1948, "Good Reading for the Millions"

Friday, December 18, 2020

Ingmar Bergman (1918 - 2007) : "Hour of The Wolf"


- I thank you. The limit has at last been reached. The glass is shattered... but what do the splinters reflect? Can you tell me that?

Johan Borg in Bergman's film "Hour of The Wolf", 1968

Monday, December 7, 2020

Stephen Vincent Benét (1898 - 1943)

"Come, draw your steel for the right, 

for the time wears on !

It is only a little way to Jerusalem !"

"I have seen the floating swan

And the lion, bloody with dawn,

I will make pictures of them."

Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Bénét, Volume I : Poetry

From the poem: "For Those Who Are As Right As Any", 1936

New York, Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. 1942 


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Stephen Vincent Benét


Now that I'm clean again ,

Now I've slept and fed ,

How shall I remember when

I was someone dead ?

Now the balm has worked its art

And the gashes dry 

And the lizard at my heart 

Has a sleepy eye ,

How shall I remember yet

Freezing underground ,

With the wakened lizard set

To the living wound ?

Do not ponder the offence

Nor reject the sore ,

Do not tear the cerements

Flesh may need once more .

Cold comes back and rain comes back

And the lizard , too .

And the burden in the sack , 

May be meant for you .   

Do not play the risen dunce

With unrisen men .

Lazarus was risen once

But earth gaped again .

Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benét

Volume I : Poetry  (pages 118 - 119)

New York, Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. 1942 

Friday, December 4, 2020