Sunday, May 23, 2021

W.S. Merwin : "The Heart"

In the first chamber of the heart
all the gloves are hanging but two
the hands are bare as they come through the door
the bell rope is moving without them
they move forward cupped as though 
holding water
there is a bird bathing in their palms
in this chamber there is no color

In the second chamber of the heart
all the blindfolds are hanging but one
the eyes are open as they come in
they see the bell rope moving 
without hands
they see the bathing bird
being carried forward
through the colored chamber

In the third chamber of the heart
all sounds are hanging but one
the ears hear nothing as they come through the door
the bell rope is moving like a breath
without hands
a bird is being carried forward
in total silence.

In the last chamber of the heart
all the words are hanging
but one
the blood is naked as it steps through the door 
with its eyes open
and a bathing bird in its hands
and with its bare feet on the sill
moving as through on water
to the one stroke of the bell
someone is ringing without hands

The Essential  W.S. Merwin
Edited by Michael Wiegers
Copper Canyon Press, 2017

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