Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Catullus (84 - 54 B.C.)

My little volume is complete,

With all the care and polish neat

       That make it fair to see:

To whom shall I then, to whose praise,

Inscribe my lively graceful lays?

      Cornelius, friend, to thee.

Thou only of th' Italian race

Hast dared in three small books to trace

     All time's remotest flight:

Oh Jove, how labour'd, learn'd and wise!

Yet still thou ne'er wouldst quite despise

     The trifles that I write.

Then take the book I now address,

Though small its size, its merits less,

    'Tis all thy friend can give;

And let me, guardian Muse, implore

That when at least, one age is o'er,

    This volume yet may live.

Dedication of The Poems
to Cornelius Nepos
The Poems of Catullus
Translation by The Hon. George Lamb

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