Monday, January 11, 2016

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) : from "The Masque of Pandora"




I HEAR the trumpet of Alectryon

Proclaim the dawn.   The stars begin to fade,

And all the heavens are full of prophecies

And evil auguries.   Blood-red last night

I saw great Kronos rise ; the crescent moon

Sank through the mist, as if it were the scythe

His parricidal hand had flung far down

The western steeps.   O ye immortal Gods,

What evils are ye plotting and contriving ?

        HERMES and PANDORA at the threshold


I cannot cross the threshold.   An unseen

And icy hand repels me.   These blank walls 

Oppress me with their weight !


                                                 Powerful ye are,

But not omnipotent.   Ye cannot fight 

Against Necessity.   The Fates control you,

As they do us, and so far we are equals !


Motionless, passionless, companionless

He sits there muttering in his beard.   His voice 

Is like a river flowing underground!


Prometheus,  hail !


                                                  Who calls me  ?


                                                                 It is I.

Dost Thou not know me ?


                                                   By thy winged cap

And winged heels I know thee.   Thou art Hermes,

Captain of thieves !   Hast thou again been stealing 

The heifers of Admetus in the sweet   

Meadows of asphodel ?   Or Hera's girdle ?

Or the earth-shaking trident of Poseidon ?                     


And thou, Prometheus ; say , hast thou again

Been stealing fire from Helios' chariot-wheels

To light thy furnaces ?


                                   Why comest though hither

So early in the dawn ?


                                   The Immortal Gods 

Know naught of late or early.    Zeus himself 

The omnipotent hath sent me.


                                              For what purpose ?


To bring this maiden to thee.


                                                   I mistrust

The Gods and all their gifts.   If they have sent her

It is for no good purpose.


                                                    What disaster

Could she bring on thy house, who is a woman ?


The Gods are not my friends, nor am I theirs.

Whatever comes from them, though in a shape

As beautiful as this, is evil only.

Who art though ?


            One who, though to thee unknown,

Yet knoweth thee.


    How shouldst thou know me, woman ?

The Masque of Pandora , 1875

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