Tuesday, September 7, 2021



Dam the torrent of ecstasy when it runs in flood,

so that it won't bring shame and ruin.

But why should I fear ruin?

Under the ruin waits a royal treasure.

He that is drowned in God wishes to be more drowned.

While his spirit is tossed up and down 

by the waves of the sea,

he asks, "Is the bottom of the sea more delightful, or the top? 

Is the Beloved's arrow more fascinating, or the shield?"

O heart, if you recognize any difference 

between joy and sorrow,

these lies will tear you apart.

Although your desire tastes sweet,

doesn't the Beloved desire you

to be desireless?

The life of lovers is in death:

you will not win the Beloved's heart

unless you lose your own.


Translation: Kabir & Camille Helminski

From The RUMI Collection 

Edited by Kabir Helminski

Shambhala, 1999

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